Prolotherapy is non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment that is growing in popularity. This simple yet effective regenerative treatment has been shown to provide strong results for patients who experience joint and ligament issues in the back, knees, hips, shoulders, and other similar areas of the body.
How does Prolotherapy Work?
For each treatment we inject a low dosage of a natural irritant – usually Dextrose- into the soft tissue of an injured or damaged joint. The irritant kick-starts the body’s healing response. Through first-hand experience, our medical staff believes that it may provide significant relief for joint and/or back pain. Following activation by the injected irritant, the body’s natural immune response will start to strengthen and repair damaged ligaments in the joint. The strengthening of the ligaments, over time, helps to stabilize the injured joint(s). With improved support from your immune system, the on-going joint pain can disappear.
The overall effectiveness of Prolotherapy is still questioned in the world of medicine even though it has been in use since the early 1900s. Despite this doubt, Dr. Rebecca Brown and many members of the medical community believe it to be a safe alternative or additional treatment for back and joint pain.
What should you expect regarding your treatments?
Prolotherapy typically requires a series of several shots at the site of the injury or weakened area in order to be most effective. Most patients can expect multiple shots per treatment, with several treatments to occur over the course of 3 to 6 months. Each treatment layers another layer of healed tissue and collagen to rebuild damaged tissue.
It’s important to know that precision is key to success with Prolotherapy injections. The injection must be precise so that the irritant is placed in the exact area or areas requiring ligament repair and nowhere else. Dr. Rebecca Brown at Balance Brooklyn Regenerative, Sports & Rehabilitation Medicine has years of experience in administering Prolotherapy treatments with a strong track record of positive results, so you can put your faith in her expertise.
If you’re experiencing back or joint pain and would like to discuss your issues with Dr. Brown, please reach out to our office today by calling 718.400.8840.